Unexpected Surprise: Couple Visits Shelter to Admire Cat with Huge Cheeks, Discovers Something Incredible

A pair of individuals visited the animal shelter with the intention of merely observing a feline with large cheeks. However, their experience ended up being far more than they anticipated.

stray cat cheeks

Mr. Jenkins (formerly Grizzly), a stray cat believed to have been injured in a car accident, was discovered in poor condition and taken to Lollypop Farm for assistance. The feline was estimated to be approximately 10 years old and had spent most of his life outdoors. According to Lollypop Farm, in addition to his injuries from the accident, he had an upper respiratory infection, required tooth extractions, and had other minor medical concerns. Despite his weary appearance and indications of years spent navigating the streets, Mr. Jenkins displayed a gentle and kind demeanor, albeit initially withdrawn and quiet when he first arrived.

stray cat shelter

When Grizzly was discovered outdoors, he was in a sorry state. Fortunately, Lollypop Farm took him in and placed him with a foster family. Under their care, he regained his health, gained some weight, and became more energetic. Despite all the positive changes, his charmingly chubby cheeks remained. In an effort to improve his chances of adoption, he moved into the area with the other cats and kittens. However, his shy personality caused him to be overlooked by more outgoing felines. Nonetheless, Lollypop staff and volunteers recognized that Grizzly merely required a calm environment and a comforting presence to come out of his shell and reveal his true awesomeness.

cat cheeks sweet shelter

One day, while browsing through the Lollypop Farm’s page, Amber stumbled upon a certain feline friend who caught her attention. His chubby cheeks and expressive eyes immediately drew her in. Although she did not plan on adopting a pet, she could not resist meeting this cat. Amber shared with Love Meow that she felt like this cat had many stories to tell. Her boyfriend, Dan, was not particularly fond of cats, but he agreed to go with her to the shelter just to take a look around.

sweet lap cat

One of Grizzly’s favorite things is to make “biscuits” and curl up on a warm lap. During their visit to Lollypop Farm, the couple had trouble finding him at first. But eventually, they spotted him dozing off on a high window perch while the young cats vied for attention. Despite feeling tired, Grizzly kept on snoozing even as the couple attempted to engage with him. Thankfully, a compassionate staff member opened up his space so that they could interact with him more freely.

sweet cat cheeks

Upon laying eyes on Amber and Dan, Grizzly immediately stole their hearts and they couldn’t part with him. A trial run was arranged to test the waters, but the couple had already made their decision. Grizzly was the one for them. Bringing him home was an easy process and the ride in his carrier didn’t seem to faze him at all. In fact, Grizzly took advantage of the trip to catch up on some much-needed rest. As Amber puts it, napping was one of his strong suits.

happy sleeping cat home

At Lollypop Farm, the staff made sure Grizzly was well taken care of by preparing a cozy room complete with several litter boxes, his preferred food, toys, soft bedding, and a personal couch. They even took turns giving him treats and expressing their joy in having him there. In no time, Grizzly felt right at home and knew he was where he belonged.

sweet cat tabby cheeks

The Lollypop Farm welcomed a new furry friend who quickly won over everyone’s hearts. With his affectionate and loving nature, he became a cherished member of the family. He was so vocal and attention-seeking that it felt like a million cats were wrapped into one. The best part? He gave actual hugs with his paws! Now, he’s a permanent fixture in their lives and fills their days with joy.

cat cheeks snuggly

One of the staff members at Lollypop Farm named Mr. Jenkins has a strong attachment to the animals he cares for. Grizzly, who is now known as Mr. Jenkins, brings joy into the lives of a couple by showering them with affection and warmth. He never fails to greet them with his cuddly cheeks and tight hugs every day. Mealtime is crucial for him, and he makes sure to remind them when it’s time to eat. He’s very particular about his schedule, and he kindly reminds them if they forget.

cuddly cat tabby

This person is a big hugger and visited Lollypop Farm where they discovered a cat that they immediately fell in love with. Though they only intended to look at the cat, they ended up taking it home and are now grateful to Lollypop Farm for completing their family. They have given the cat a forever home and Mr. Jenkins, as the cat is called, will never have to worry about being homeless again.

sleeping cat tabby

Lollypop Farm is a fantastic place for animal lovers. It’s an animal shelter that takes care of all kinds of animals, from dogs and cats to horses and pigs. This wonderful place provides a temporary home for animals until they’re ready to be adopted. They provide a safe environment where animals can receive the love, care, and attention they need while waiting for their forever homes.

At Lollypop Farm, the team works hard to ensure that the animals are comfortable and happy during their stay. The staff takes good care of them by providing food, clean water, shelter, and medical care. They also give the animals plenty of playtime and exercise to keep them healthy and happy.

If you’re looking to adopt a new pet, Lollypop Farm is a great place to start your search. Not only do they have a wide variety of animals, but the staff also works with adopters to find the perfect match. They take the time to get to know the animals and their personalities, so they can find the right family for each one.

So, if you’re an animal lover or looking to adopt a furry friend, be sure to visit Lollypop Farm. You’ll be supporting a great cause and helping to make a difference in the lives of animals in need.

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