“Watch These Adorable Shar-Pei Pups Master the Art of Guarding”

This lovely mother has recently welcomed three adorable little ones into the world, and they are just too cute for words. Baby Jane’s litter consists of two boys and a girl, all Shar-pei puppies with loads of wrinkles that make them utterly irresistible.

Have you ever wondered why those wrinkled pups are so cute? Well, it turns out that their wrinkles actually had a practical purpose – to protect and guard royalty. Their loose skin made it difficult for other dogs to grab onto them during a scuffle. Nowadays, their wrinkles just add to their charm and protect them from playful puppy bites. These little pups are already lively and playful, and they’re growing at lightning speed. Before long, they’ll be ready to venture outside and learn how to protect their turf like true guard dogs.

The shar-pei breed has a unique appearance with its wrinkly coat, which may look soft and cuddly, but in reality, it feels rough to the touch. Originating from China, the breed’s name translates to “sand skin.” As they mature, their skin will begin to fit them snuggly. These adorable dogs also have a distinctive blue tongue, which starts off light blue but darkens as they age. According to legend, their tongue is believed to protect them from malevolent spirits and give them a fierce appearance.

The debate on whether these pups look fierce or not is open to interpretation. However, their instinct to guard comes naturally, as taught by their mother who ensures they know how to patrol. Unfortunately, the younger pup is more interested in playing and his sisters attempt to teach him. But, the sisters become determined to play and start to gang up on their little brother in an attempt to steal his toys. They decide to call it a day after having had enough practice guarding and want to enjoy some fun. Eventually, their little brother has had enough of their antics and runs away.

The Shar-pei breed is known for being great watchdogs, but it’s important to note that they need time to mature. Despite their short and straightforward demeanor, they are intelligent and attentive. We hope you found this adorable video entertaining and don’t hesitate to share it with others!

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