“Discovering the Charm of Nagasaki: How Three Shiba Inu Pups made a Wall their Window to the world!”

Located on a peaceful road close to Shimabara Castle in Nagasaki, there is an ordinary fence that appears to be as tall as the house behind it. However, this fence has become quite a popular tourist spot due to the charming sight it offers: three adorable Shiba Inu dogs poking their heads out of the holes in the wall. They look so cute that visitors can’t resist taking photographs with them.

The proprietor of three adorable pooches revealed that he had created the holes in his home’s wall to allow fresh air into the vicinity. However, it wasn’t long before his furry companions displayed their inquisitive and affectionate nature by peeking outside through the gaps.

Frequently, they gaze upon the balcony when they are curious about what’s going on outside, and ever since the openings were created, it’s been simpler for them to observe events occurring outdoors.

The adorable tale of these three dogs became an internet sensation, attracting visitors from around the globe to witness their charm in person.

As people come to say hello, the trio of adorable pups can’t help but poke their heads out of their designated spots. This perspective is from the backside.

According to a tourist from Taiwan, the owners of the dogs were very accommodating and cooperative. The tourist spent an hour filming the dogs and the owners remained out of sight behind a wall.

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