Little Furry Miracle: Rescue Mission Saves Kitten Who Stole Their Hearts After Week at Shelter

A cute little kitten found himself in a shelter, looking for a foster home after a tough week. Despite his mild infection and small size, no one came forward to help until Erin from Wrenn Rescues stepped in.
Enthralled by the kitten’s adorable face, Erin collaborated with Mel Lamprey and Pumpkin Patch Pet Rescue to rescue him. It was a heartwarming success story that saved the little feline’s life.

kitten shelter

He was brought to safety after spending a week at the shelter under the username @catasticalmeows. The little feline, Owen, was quite chatty and made it clear that he never wanted to be separated from his new family. His expressive meows filled the car as they drove home.
“It’s clear that he’s full of personality already.”

kitten ride home

Owen couldn’t wait to share all his adventures from the day on his way back home. When he finally arrived, he wasted no time and dove straight into playing with his toys. He settled comfortably in his human’s lap, finding it the perfect spot to drift off to sleep with contented purrs.
All Owen needed was a little snuggle and love, as if he was making up for all the time apart.

kitten snuggly cute

He became a cuddle bug in the blink of an eye, according to @catasticalmeows. “Right away, he was full of love and affection, happily eating and playing. Everything seemed fine until things took a turn,” Erin recounted. One morning, Erin noticed Owen was acting lethargic, refusing to eat, and uninterested in playing. “All he wanted to do was snuggle up on your neck and sleep.”

kitten curled up sleeping

@catasticalmeows noticed that the little cat’s weight was decreasing at a fast rate. Due to his small size and being underweight, Erin took it upon herself to syringe-feed him and provide fluids to help him recover. Shocked by the diagnosis of panleukopenia from the vet, even though the cat had been vaccinated at the shelter before they adopted him, it was a reminder that vaccines are not always a guarantee against all diseases.

kitten sleeping curled

On @catasticalmeows, someone shared about Owen, a little fighter who may have been small for his age but had a strong spirit. They brought him home with lots of support to help him through his rough patch.
With some days of receiving fluids, medication, and hand-fed meals, Owen began to show signs of improvement. His appetite came back, and so did his loud voice.

sweet kitten

Owen’s energy began to improve, and he regained his appetite. He would eagerly meow for meals and groom himself with a renewed vigor. His fur was looking healthier and glossier, and he was steadily getting stronger. “When he started eating independently and insisting on food every few hours, we knew he had made a significant improvement,” Erin shared with Love Meow.

kitten on scale

Owen’s progress has been impressive! Initially weighing 566g, he dropped to 485g but has since rebounded to a healthy 740g. Not only has he gained weight, but his energy level has also skyrocketed. Owen’s playful side has made a comeback, and he now bounces around with the enthusiasm of someone with springs in their feet. He loves being around people and is eager to have a constant playmate by his side.

sweet kitten owen

His vitality returned and he resumed his playful antics. Owen doesn’t let getting caught deter him when he’s up to mischief – he simply keeps going. Currently, his top pastime is breaking out of his playpen; it’s like a fun challenge for him. Once he’s out and spots you, he gleefully scampers around the room, a real-life game of catch me if you can.

snuggly kitten owen

After a day full of playful mischief, Owen finds solace in snuggling up to his foster mom and drifting off to sleep accompanied by the comforting sound of his purring. For Owen, there’s no better place to nap than with his beloved humans.
“He never fails to bring a smile to your face and capture your heart completely.”

tiny kitten owen

Owen sports an adorable white patch on his back, according to @catasticalmeows. As soon as he is given the green light to mingle with other kittens, he will be welcomed by two foster buddies eagerly waiting for him. Every day, Owen is showing remarkable progress, becoming more robust and larger. The future looks bright for Owen, as he is expected to bring immense happiness and joy to his forever home.

sweet kitten owen


“Catastrophe Kittens”

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