From Neglect to Love: The Incredible Journey of a Kitten with Mucopolysaccharidosis

When Shanta was approached to foster Roo, a kitten with special needs that had been rescued from a grimy garage, she jumped at the opportunity. After watching a video of the tiny cat sent by his rescuer, Summer, Shanta was smitten and knew she had to bring him into her home. Although Roo was blind and paralyzed, Shanta’s extensive experience caring for cats with unique needs gave her the confidence to provide him with all the support necessary to help him flourish.

The rescue organization set an appointment for Roo’s medical checkup on April 27, 2019, which was also the day Shanta would meet him for the first time and take him to her home in San Bernadino, California. Waiting until the following weekend was difficult for Shanta since she found it hard to contain her excitement to see Roo. The kitten’s resilience and cuteness were remarkable, as he had managed to survive the first five months of his life without proper care or treatment. Roo’s previous owners did not even consider him a pet and only fed him to keep him around for killing mice.

The photo posted by @triumphant_teagan on Instagram shows Roo, a kitten with mobility issues. Although the family allowed Roo to roam outside, he was bullied by some neighborhood kids. Despite this, being able to explore the outdoors made Roo scared of people but it turned out to be his savior. A neighbor across the street noticed Roo dragging his legs and informed someone involved in animal rescue.

Upon arriving at the home, Summer, who rescued Roo, was shocked by the cat’s living conditions and overall health. She was able to convince the family to give up the cat to her custody. Roo’s condition was alarming as he was covered in fleas and ticks, severely infested with worms, couldn’t walk properly and had crusty eyes. Despite his poor health and previous abuse, Roo remained friendly and had a good appetite, which was surprising. Though Summer had rescued him, she realized that Roo needed more help than she could provide, so she contacted Shanta. Being experienced with paralyzed and blind cats, Shanta drove two hours to meet Roo and Summer at the vet’s office after waiting for a week.

Shanta noticed a familiar quality about the young cat when she saw him in person, but couldn’t quite put her finger on it. During the examination, the vet discovered that the cat, named Roo, had multiple skeletal deformities, joint deterioration, and cloudy eyes, but could still see. As the vet went through the checklist of health issues, Shanta realized that Roo looked just like Trident, a cat that passed away earlier this year from mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS). Shanta feared the worst, worried that Roo might have the same untreatable condition that caused Trident’s death. MPS is a lysosomal storage disorder that affects people, dogs, and cats. It prevents the body from producing enzymes to break down sugar molecules, leading to skeletal deformities, enlarged organs, cloudy eyes, flattened faces, and small ears.

Shanta expresses her devastation upon hearing from the vet that her cat, Roo, had a limited lifespan due to a rare diagnosis. Despite this, Shanta decided to provide Roo with a comfortable life instead of putting him down. She thought that she could alleviate his discomfort and make him happy. Shanta saw the four-pound kitten on the exam table, who had never experienced love or kindness before, and made the decision to bring him home. Even though she was heartbroken and scared, she wanted to show Roo how much he mattered and give him the love he deserved, even if it was just for a day.

Upon bringing Roo home, Shanta got in touch with Trident’s father who connected her with the MPS Army Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to eliminating the uncommon illness through knowledge and genetic testing. Shanta received a urine collection kit from the foundation, which she filled out and sent to the metabolic testing laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.

Shanta took the initiative to improve Roo’s health by giving him high-quality food, supplements, and using a medical device while waiting for the results. To alleviate any inflammation and discomfort, she introduced Roo to Assisi Loop Lounge, NHV Natural Pet Products, and My Best Bud, along with other daily supplements that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption.

After four months since the visit to the vet, Roo is doing remarkably well according to Shanta, despite being diagnosed with mucopolysaccharidosis by the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Veterinary Medicine. Shanta is confident that Roo is not suffering in any way as he now stretches his body himself, plays with toys, and has a consistently great appetite. His playful nature even extends to giving kisses until raw patches appear on the skin. However, due to the condition, Roo experiences poor anal tone, requiring Shanta to express his bowels manually. Also, since he lacks mobility, Roo requires assistance when eating, making him comparable to a newborn human child instead of a typical kitten.

The adorable cat named Roo requires special care due to his condition, which Shanta is more than happy to provide. She feels blessed to be able to pamper Roo and shower him with love and attention. Roo’s deep blue eyes are a testament to his gratitude for being cherished. Shanta ensures that Roo’s days are filled with joy and comfort, from toys and treats to stroller rides and snuggles. However, Roo’s health is not stable due to mucopolysaccharidosis, and Shanta acknowledges that as his caregiver, she must prioritize his well-being over her own desires. Roo is technically under hospice care, and Shanta’s responsibility is to monitor his health and ensure that he never suffers. Although it’s heartbreaking to accept, Roo’s condition will eventually decline, and Shanta knows that nothing can change that.

Shanta is determined to make the most of her time with Roo, who unfortunately suffers from mucopolysaccharidosis and may not survive for long unless a miracle happens. Moreover, she is also dedicated to preventing other cats from being born with this terrible disease. Her goal is to ensure that Roo’s remaining days are filled with joy and contentment.

According to Shanta, a crucial step towards reducing the number of special needs cats born in unwanted litters left to suffer and die is spaying and neutering pets. By practicing good TNR (trap-neuter-return) tactics, these congenital defects and injuries that cause severe abnormalities can be prevented or even eliminated with the love and care that comes with responsible pet ownership.

Shanta, through sharing Roo’s experience, aims to motivate others to support cats in their local communities. Whether it’s through participating in TNR initiatives or fostering for nearby rescues, she believes that every little bit counts. While Shanta understands that not everyone may have the resources to care for a cat with special needs like Roo, she asserts that providing him with a life full of love and respect, along with the happiness he has brought to her and her family, outweighs any sacrifices she has had to make.

According to Shanta, their furry friend expresses great delight in being a member of their family and receiving unconditional affection. Roo is cherished by them and adds immense happiness to their lives. They consider Roo as a valuable blessing.

Discover more about this cute little feline by checking out Roo’s Instagram page, which is run by @triumphant_teagan.

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