The warrior spirit has many purrofound and impactful meanings

How you embrace your inner warrior and infuse it into your life is what makes us all uniquely special and helps us to have a long lasting positive impact on the world around us.

Even when there are those lost souls who feel the need to harm others either with their words or actions, we must remember who we are, deep within ourselves and resist the urge to react. We have all been there, and there are still times when words that come from keyboard cowards come through with the attempt to hurt, but HarPURR’s shield of love repels them, and we move on.

That step is sometimes the hardest as we want them to be accountable for their words or actions. However we can never force someone to reflect and change who they are, however we can humbly move on and hold dear to our hearts what we hold purrecious and true. HarPURR is purely that, a purrsistent reminder of what is good in this world, his feisty and indomitable spirit, showing us the way.

Never let anyone tear you down, always advoCATe for yourself and others and be the voice needed for those who cannot stand up for themselves.

HarPURR’s warriors will transcend the waves of time and the essence of his kindness, compassion and determination will reach the hearts of many.

HarPURR’s mission is to insPURRire, advoCATe, eduCATe, encourage and demonstrate compassion!

Cre: harpurr_kitty_warrior

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