A Curious Connection: A Lynx and Cat form an unlikely friendship after a zoo break-in.

No matter the species, friendships can form between any animals. A European lynx and a Russian cat at St. Petersburg’s Zoo are a perfect example of this unlikely bond.

Love Meow reported that the cat was without a home and luckily stumbled upon some food in the area where the lynx resided. Not only was the lynx okay with sharing, but they also ended up forming a strong friendship.

Love Meow notes that it appears the cat relies on the lynx just as much as the lynx relies on her. Observers believe that the cat views the lynx as her maternal figure, forming an unlikely friendship when she was just a young kitten.

The Zoo decided to officially make the cat a part of their family so that the two friends could continue living together, which they are still happily doing to this day.

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