A Daring and Remarkable Rescue: Brave Firefighters Save a Stranded Pup from Wheel Mishap.

On September 21st, a collaborative effort led to the successful rescue of a small puppy trapped beneath a spare tire. The incident took place in Coachella, California, when a concerned individual contacted Jose Cisneros, an officer from the Riverside County Animal Services. The puppy in question was a three-month-old Australian cattle dog.
Officer Cisneros and his team documented the entire rescue mission on Twitter, sharing updates with their followers. Initially, they tried using oil to lubricate the puppy’s head and allow it to slide out from under the tire. Unfortunately, due to swelling in the neck area, this method did not yield the desired results.


According to a recent press release, the department revealed that utilizing cooking oil as a lubricant to aid an animal trapped in a challenging predicament is a “widely adopted technique.”

When the method proved ineffective, the team decided to calm the dog by administering a sedative and reached out to the Riverside County Fire Department for additional assistance.

After relocating the canine and its rolling apparatus to a secure location, the firemen utilized electric tools to sever the restraint and liberate the creature’s cranium. The rescuers affectionately dubbed the dog “Wheelie Puppy,” who promptly indulged in a nourishing meal. The Department of Animal Services shared a video on Twitter capturing the moment the dog was emancipated from the vehicle component along with a heartfelt message expressing gratitude towards their allies.

Providing an update to a worried supporter of the animal rescue’s detailed account, the Animal Services team confirmed on Thursday that they have successfully tracked down the owners of Wheelie Pup.

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