“A Heartbreaking Tale: Abandoned Lab Mix Finds New Hope in Texas Shelter”

At 19 years old, Annie the dog is experiencing sheer happiness.

Annie, a senior Labrador retriever mix, was unfortunately not well taken care of by her previous owner and was turned in to a Dallas Animal Services facility in a poor state during the summer. Upon arrival, veterinarians predicted that Annie had just a month to live. Dallas Animal Services took to social media to share Annie’s story and appeal to animal lovers to consider fostering her so that her final days would be full of love. When Lauren Siler, a business analyst, saw Annie’s advertisement on Dallas Animal Services, she immediately wanted to help. She showed Annie’s photo to her best friend Lisa Flores, who felt the same and they both agreed to foster the elderly dog. Through Dallas Animal Services, Siler and Flores were introduced to The Powerful Rescue, which had taken on the care of Annie as she awaited a foster home. Siler notes that The Powerful Rescue was upfront about Annie’s condition and advised them that the veterinarians had given her just a month to live.

Annie’s friends, Siler and Flores, decided to prioritize the well-being of the Lab mix despite Annie’s tight deadline. They had first met while working at an elementary school five years earlier. The duo went above and beyond to ensure that Annie had the best possible month by creating a bucket list filled with activities that would bring her joy and happiness, as well as showering her with love and comfort.

When Lisa and I adopted Annie at the end of June, we only expected her to stay with us for a month. However, I had an idea to create a bucket list for her, as Siler recalls. We started with a few activities such as a car ride, swimming, a birthday party, and Christmas in July, but it quickly grew from there. Floros and Siler shared Annie’s adventures on Instagram (@dallasanimalfoster), and as the end of July approached, they realized that Annie wasn’t ready to go yet, so they kept adding to the list. More than 19,000 supporters have suggested what Annie should do next. Siler mentioned that Annie has received over 500 Valentines for Valentine’s Day in August, made paintings, became a chef, baked homemade dog treats, hosted baby showers, went on a burger tour, and much more. Despite her veterinarian’s low expectations, Annie has far exceeded them and is still having a blast with her foster family today. Siler said that Annie quickly settled in and realized that this was “the good life.” They were determined to spoil her, say “Yes” to everything she requested, take her places, and provide for her for as long as she stayed with them.

Annie has a relaxed lifestyle, enjoying naps, chilling out, using the bathroom, and ticking things off her bucket list. However, one thing that really brightens up her day is receiving fan mail. She’s so excited when a package arrives, and it’s simply adorable to see her reaction! Siler even started filming her smiling response when she receives Instagram messages, which many people have noticed. Food is Annie’s absolute favorite, and she breaks into a “happy dance” whenever she’s chowing down. Siler and Flores hope that by witnessing Annie’s irresistible puppy appeal, her fans will be encouraged to consider adopting older rescue pets. They urge people to take action and help care for shelter animals because they’re often put down if no one steps up to help them. While Annie is exceptional to them, she’s not a unicorn since many Annies are currently residing in shelters, waiting for someone to give them a chance. As long as Annie remains eager and enthusiastic, her bucket list will continue to thrive. To keep up with Annie’s latest adventures, you can follow her on Instagram at @dallasanimalfoster.

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