Cuddly Companion: A Heartwarming Tale of an Orphaned Kitten Finding Comfort in a Plush Mama with a Beating Heart

A pleasantly plump kitten by the name of Puppy made his way into the home of a seasoned foster mother. Being one of the youngest cats she had ever looked after, Puppy’s eyes were still tightly shut, indicating that he was probably less than 10 days old. Luckily, he was a good weight and weighed as much as a 2-week-old kitten. This was crucial because his mother cat had abandoned him while relocating her other kittens. For 12 hours, he was left alone as his rescuers kept watch, hoping she would eventually return.

Orphaned Kitten’s Favorite Place is Snuggled Under His Plush Mama with a Heartbeat

Initially, the rescuers hoped that the kitten’s mother would find him. However, after exhausting all options, they realized that it was time to step in and intervene. Being separated from their mother can be distressing for kittens, leading to separation anxiety that could persist into adulthood and cause behavioral issues. For this reason, it’s crucial to keep the mother with her babies whenever possible. To provide comfort to the orphaned kitten, Heidi introduced a Calmeroos Cat, a soft and plush orange cat designed to mimic the feel of a mother cat. The Calmeroos Cat also features a removable battery-operated heartbeat simulator and heat pack. This innovative product helped the kitten feel as though his mother was still around, and he snuggled underneath it effortlessly. The Calmeroos Cat is also easy to clean; one can wash it after removing the heat pack and heart. There are various designs available for both cats and dogs, making it an ideal solution for orphans of all kinds.

Orphaned Kitten’s Favorite Place is Snuggled Under His Plush Mama with a Heartbeat

Puppy was thriving under the care of both his plush mama and human mama, gaining an impressive 30 grams per day. To ensure his safety, he was kept in quarantine to rule out any risks of viral outbreaks such as Panleukopenia (FPV) or parasites. Fosterers may find it emotionally challenging to keep an orphaned kitten alone, but it can be a matter of life or death. After ensuring his safety, introducing a kitten friend is usually a great idea. However, even under quarantine, Puppy developed an upper respiratory infection that required immediate treatment with antibiotics and steam nebulizer treatments. Despite this setback, Puppy was a trooper and overcame his cold after five days of treatment. He reached a weight of one pound and continued to thrive, weighing more than most kittens his age.

Orphaned Kitten’s Favorite Place is Snuggled Under His Plush Mama with a Heartbeat

After some time, Puppy finally made some new friends: a couple of kittens. This was a good opportunity for him to learn how to act like a cat and also expend his excess energy. Before, he used to bite his foster mom because he didn’t know any better but with his new playmates, he could safely channel his playful aggression. Moreover, taking care of two or three kittens is much easier than taking care of one; when they are with their buddies, they just play with each other instead of attacking you. Eventually, Puppy was transferred to a new foster home, where he continued to have endless playtime with The Kitten Squad. Today, Puppy is now living in NYC with his big brother Baxer, under the name of Ollie. He’s a well-adjusted and silly kitty whose adventures can be followed on Instagram.

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