“Feline Bliss: The Heartwarming Tale of a Cat’s Happy Makeover with Her New Forever Mom”

Kate Perillo stumbled upon photos of Sad Mouth Sam, a Siamese cat residing in Tucson, Arizona, with her distinctive features of crossed eyes and unusually large lips. Sam’s striking appearance left a lasting impression on Perillo’s mind, urging her to make a move and contact the cat’s owner. This simple act brought about a life-changing event for both Perillo and Sam.

A cat with inflamed lips looks into the camera.

Although she claims not to be superstitious, Perillo believed that adopting a pet had to feel right. When she saw Sam’s photo, she knew that this was the pet for her. Sam, who once lived among feral cats with Poet Square Cats, suffered from eosinophilic granuloma complex, an allergy caused by food or environment that inflamed her mouth. With a steroid shot, an antibiotic, and a change of scenery indoors, Sam’s mouth healed within a few months. Despite losing three front teeth, Sam remains unfazed.

A Siamese cat with crossed eyes and inflamed lips poses for the camera.

Perillo and her mother were lifelong enthusiasts of Siamese cats. However, when her mother passed away, Perillo felt it was time to move on and adopt a new pet. After discovering Sam’s photos, she was so taken with them that she flew from Massachusetts to meet the adorable pup in person. Although it took a few years for her to feel ready to take on a new furry companion, seeing Sam’s endearing face in those pictures let her know that the moment had arrived. Perillo is now deeply in love with Sam and grateful for the joy that she brings to her life.

A Siamese cat rests her hand on a windowsill.

Since Sam has recovered, her cheerful personality is shining through. She enjoys basking in the warmth of the sun streaming through Perillo’s enclosed balcony and observing birds through her preferred window. However, she also adores engaging in playtime. According to Perillo, Sam is a clever and vocal feline who enjoys having conversations with humans. She isn’t afraid to communicate her desires and needs. For instance, when Sam wants to play with the feather wand, she meows, guides you to the toy, and then uses both paws to grasp and lift it by the handle, demonstrating exactly what she wants you to do.

A Siamese cat looks directly into the camera.

Sam has gone through a lot in her life, but now she’s finally enjoying the life she deserves. Perillo believes that Sam’s companionship holds a deeper significance than just being a simple presence.

Cat lays on bed and looks up at camera.

According to Perillo, pets have a positive impact on mental health, which has been proven to be true for her. She believes that having her pet Sam is a way to keep her late mother’s memory alive.

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