“Meet the Big Blue! Is this 7-Foot Great Dane the Newest World’s Tallest Dog?”

Is George the latest contender for the title of the tallest canine on the planet? This blue great dane stands at nearly 43 inches from paw to shoulder and tips the scales at an impressive 245lbs, making him look more like a miniature horse than a typical dog. These remarkable pictures were captured while George strolled around the parks of Tuscon, Arizona.

Dave Nasser and his enormous pet, ‘Giant George’, enjoy spending time together lounging on the couch. This huge blue great dane may only be four years old, but his weight of 245lbs and height of almost 43 inches at the shoulder are truly mind-boggling. Despite his size, George has a gentle nature that has earned him his nickname, the “gentle giant”. In fact, his length from nose to tail is an astonishing 7 feet and 3 inches, which could potentially make him a record-breaker. Sadly, the previous record-holder, Gibson, passed away from cancer last August. Currently, Guinness World Records is reviewing George’s details to determine if he will claim the title. Dave mentions that George is one of a kind, measuring exactly 42.625 inches at the shoulder. This furry giant consumes about 110lbs of food every month and sleeps in a queen-size bed all by himself. When Dave and his wife, Christine, adopted George at just seven weeks old, they never imagined he would grow into such a massive creature.

Magnificent: George measures more than 7ft from nose to tail and weighs 18st

George is an awe-inspiring creature with a length exceeding 7 feet from his nose to the tip of his tail and a massive weight of 18 stone.

With size comes problems: George the giant barely fits in the back of his owner's SUV

George, the colossal canine, is encountering some difficulties squeezing into his owner’s SUV due to his prodigious size. Moreover, his proprietors have had to transfer him from their colossal bed as he has outgrown it. Dr. William Wallace, who observed the validation for the Guinness record at the Buena Pet Clinic in Tucson, asserted that George is the most towering dog he has ever come across in his 45 years of serving mammoth breed dogs. David is racing against time to submit the required documentation to the Guinness records, however, other dog owners are putting forth their claims to this title. While anticipating the verdict, George is relishing in his newfound celebrity status and now possesses his very own Facebook fan page and Twitter accounts. It appears that the possibilities are limitless for this enormous hound.

Paws for thought: George's giant feet dwarf Dave's hand

Can we just pause for a moment and marvel at the enormity of George’s paws, which make Dave’s hands appear puny? By the way, did you know that George could potentially be the world’s tallest dog? He’s a blue great dane breed with a remarkable 7ft-long body. Share your opinions or leave a comment below to express your thoughts on this topic.

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