“Miraculous Rescue: Abandoned Pit Bull Survives Brutal Dog Attack Near Cliff’s Edge”

Androdass beautifully expresses that love may not always be visible to the naked eye, but it is always felt in our hearts.

Katie Frame of Pennsylvania has a special bond with her furry friend, Bear, who manages to show love despite not having any eyes. Katie can feel the affection from Bear when he rests his big head on her lap, cuddles with her on the sofa, and looks up adoringly at her from the floor. Bear’s love is unconditional, and his relationship with Katie is mutual. Unfortunately, Bear has not always been fortunate enough to be part of a loving family. When Bear was only a year old, he, along with his siblings, were wandering on the streets of Trenton, New Jersey, when he got hit by a car. The driver sped off without stopping, leaving Bear gravely injured in a gas station parking lot. According to Katie, Bear looked like something out of a horror movie.

Bear was brought to the original pet sanitarium where Katie’s mother worked when he was close to death. His owner was contacted, but upon seeing the extent of Bear’s injuries, they abandoned him there. Bear sat in agony for three days until his eyes had to be removed due to their poor condition. Witnessing the abandoned dog’s suffering was too much for Katie’s mother, who decided to bring him into their home despite concerns about caring for a disabled dog.

Katie shared with me the story of Bear, and together we made the decision to open our hearts and home to this poor soul. As soon as we got him the medical attention he desperately needed, he was able to come home with us. I must say, he is the happiest and sweetest dog I have ever had the pleasure of being friends with.

After his health problems were addressed, Katie and her family were overjoyed to discover that there was an affectionate and loving personality hiding beneath Bear’s exterior. Even though he is visually impaired, Katie shares that it doesn’t seem to bother him at all – he’s just a perfectly normal dog in every way.

According to Katie, living with a dog that has no eyesight is not much different from living with a regular dog. Although Bear occasionally bumps into things, he has mentally mapped out the house and can navigate it better than expected. Like most house pets, Bear enjoys going for walks, playing with his favorite ball, and spending time with the family’s golden retriever. He is known for his friendly and social personality and has an incredibly sharp sense of smell, which helps him navigate his environment. Despite the help that the Frame family offers him, they agree that Bear has given them more than they could ever give him. Katie claims that before Bear came into her life, she felt lost and without purpose. However, now she feels like she has a reason to enjoy life. Bear has taught her that love is not what you see, but what you feel. His story proves that one does not need vision to see what truly matters in life.

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