“Miraculous Rescue of a Dog Left to Die in Garbage Bag Near Riverbed”

A poor dog was found tied up inside a garbage bag near a river bed, left to rot. However, someone rescued the dog just in time.

Occasionally, there comes a tale of animal rescue that truly captivates me. Oliviero’s story is definitely one of those remarkable tales.

As two ladies were enjoying their walk along the rivers of Messina in Southern Italy, they heard some faint sounds of an animal in distress. Curious about the source of the noise, they ventured closer and stumbled upon a garbage bag lying on the banks of River Terme Vigliatore. However, what they uncovered inside the bag left them stunned and disgusted.

Upon tearing open the plastic bag, the woman was met with the sight of a dog in a pitiable state. To add to the distressing scene, a decaying calf lay nearby. The canine had been discarded callously, trussed up with electrical wires while insects and maggots made themselves at home on the exposed flesh. The poor animal was so depleted that it lacked the strength to remain upright.

To start off, the woman provided the canine with water to help rehydrate. Afterwards, they contacted a team of animal ʀᴇsᴄᴜᴇ professionals for additional assistance. Linda Li, one of the animal ʀᴇsᴄᴜᴇ volunteers, arrived on the scene and transported the dog to the veterinary clinic. The pooch appeared to be aware that it was now in good hands, as it continuously wagged its tail in gratitude.

They decided to call the dog Oliviero and after examining him, they discovered that he couldn’t use his hind legs as a result of an injury that was not known. They were able to remove ticks from his body and clean him up. The diligent efforts of the rescuers helped Oliviero make remarkable progress and he gets better every day. A kind-hearted woman eventually adopted Oliviero and showered him with all the love and care he deserves. The Life guards who played a role in transforming his life deserve a big thank you.

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