Patient Pooch: A Canine Waiting for a Generous Share of Restaurant Treats

It’s a sad reality that our urban areas are seeing an increase in stray and hungry dogs wandering the streets. These animals require more than just food and water – they need a place to call home. Feeding a hungry dog is an act of kindness that can make a big difference in their lives, and that’s the message @SuavesLomitos wanted to spread with their tweet titled: “The struggle of being hungry and unable to express it.”


The tweet from Lomitos Suavecitos gained massive popularity in a short time, receiving numerous reviews and over 4,000 retweets. It is important for us to recognize the signals stray animals give us, even though it may not be easy for them. A hungry stray dog’s gaze is something that can tug at even the strongest of hearts. As seen in the tweet, the starving dog patiently waited near restaurant tables, hoping for a kind soul to share some food scraps with him.

A customer was upset when certain patrons refused to share scraps with a hungry dog, sparking a heartwarming response on social media. Many expressed admiration for the dog’s modest demeanor, with one person criticizing the lack of awareness among people. Another user suggested always carrying a bag of treats to share with hungry individuals, whether they be human or animal. While rescuing or taking them to a shelter would be ideal, sometimes a little love and food can go a long way in difficult circumstances.

A woman who recognized the small dog mentioned that she had been taking care of him, buying him taquitos whenever she saw him. This kind act of generosity helps homeless individuals from going hungry and should be a top priority. However, it’s important to consider that feeding a starving stray dog should be done carefully. The dog has been hungry, and his stomach may not be able to handle certain foods or a large meal right away. It’s crucial to understand how to properly care for him to prevent further deterioration. Look at this little guy; his ribs are clearly showing signs of hunger. Let’s spread the word about this story in the hopes that someone will not only feed him but also give him a loving home he truly deserves.

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