“The Enchanting Stare of a One-of-a-Kind Rescue Cat that will Steal Your Heart Away”

Cats have fascinating eyes, particularly those with heterochromia or two different eye colors. It’s not unusual to see this in light-colored felines, but some breeds like the Sphynx, Turkish Vans, and Turkish Angoras can also exhibit this trait. Meet Thor, a charming rescue cat who is now enjoying life with his caring family who rescued him. He has a striking black and white tuxedo coat, a fluffy and perfect tail, and a pair of bewitching mismatched eyes. We’re excited to present Thor to you after connecting with his owner on Facebook’s Tuxedo Cat Lovers group.


Can you tell me the tale of how Thor became a member of your household?
Certainly! We stumbled upon Thor at Petsmart and determined to rescue him and take him home with us.
And what inspired his name, Thor?
We already had a feline companion named Loki, so when Thor came into our lives, we decided to christen him after Loki’s sibling. Additionally, Thor has a fascinating attribute of having heterochromia, a condition where his eyes are two different colors!


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