The Heartbreaking Tale of a Pregnant Mother Dog Seeking Shelter and Safety in a Small Ditch

The folks at The GoGo Rescue channel were alerted to a situation where they found a distressed dog collapsed on the street. The scene was grim when they arrived to help.

She has a distended stomach that was initially thought to be a huge tumor.

They rushed her to the vet, where an ultrasound revealed that she was carrying two puppies in her belly. Despite her pain, she was desperately holding on for the sake of her little ones.

She needed immediate surgery, and although it was a success, only one puppy was saved. The mother dog is currently receiving care at the vet as she is still weak, while the puppy is being fed with a bottle.

I pray that Mama dog and her precious pup receive blessings from above. Thank you immensely for rescuing these innocent souls.

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