“The Purrfectly Plump Feline: An Exclusive Interview with the Owner of ‘The World’s Chonkiest Cat'”

Liznya The Cat, a popular feline on Instagram, has recently been the subject of criticism from online trolls who accuse her owner of overfeeding. Despite boasting over 9,500 followers on the cat’s social media account, the owner has received hurtful accusations of animal cruelty from keyboard warriors who believe that Liznya was intentionally overfed to gain attention on Instagram. However, the Russian cat owner has come forward to defend herself against these accusations and expressed disappointment over the negative comments regarding Liznya’s weight.

A Russian fat cat, called Liznya The Cat has come under fire after commenters claimed her owners are 'cruel' for overfeeding her

The internet is buzzing about Liznya The Cat, a rotund kitty hailing from Russia. However, not all attention has been positive as some have accused her owners of overfeeding her and treating her unfairly.

The cat's owners hit back, claiming that the weight gain was an unforeseen problem after Liznya's pregnancy

In response to the criticism received by the owners of the cat, they stated that they had not expected their feline to gain weight after giving birth. However, some individuals voiced their concerns over the cat’s health and blamed the owners for allowing it to become excessively overweight. One person even predicted that the cat’s lifespan would be cut short due to its weight. Another commenter questioned why the owners would let their pet reach such an unhealthy size, whereas a third individual referred to the situation as appalling and compared it to other cases of animal abuse. In contrast, a fourth person urged the owners to refrain from mistreating animals and rebuked them for putting their pet’s life in danger just to maintain its appearance.

Commenters were quick to point out the Liznya's weight and their concerns surrounding overfeeding

The internet users swiftly noticed that Liznya, the cat’s weight had increased. They shared their concerns of overfeeding in online communities. The owner of the cat addressed these concerns on Instagram and cleared up any misunderstandings regarding Liznya’s diet and routine. The owner emphasized that they did not intend to overfeed Liznya as she only eats her prescribed diet food. Although Liznya was pregnant and spayed, the owner did not attribute this solely to her weight gain.

The large cat has been to the vet since putting on weight and is now on a strict 29 gram diet of  Royal Canin diet cat food

A big cat recently visited the vet for a check-up and was put on a strict diet of 29 grams of Royal Canin cat food in order to lose weight. The vets explained that the cat’s weight gain was due to pregnancy, which required multiple visits to the vet and various kinds of diet cat foods until an effective one was found. Though the cat is no longer gaining weight, shedding some pounds remains a challenge. The cat’s owners are against animal abuse and have received threats from some individuals. They clarified that the cat was slimmer in 2020 and shared old photos taken from different angles as proof. They also assured the public that the cat can walk and play but needs to be more active to lose weight. To show the cat’s meal, the owner posted an Instagram story featuring 29g of Royal Canin diet cat food. It is unacceptable to spread false information or make death threats.

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