The Story of a Rescued Pup: Finding Comfort in a Cardboard Box. Prepare to be Moved to Tears or Laughter…

This Rescue Dog Still Sleeρs In His Cardboard Box. I Don’t know Whether To Cry, or …

This adorable rescue pup is still snuggling up in his humble cardboard box for sleep. It’s enough to tug at your heartstrings and make you wonder whether to shed a tear or simply smile at his simple contentment.

Captain has a variety of comfy dog beds to choose from each night, but he always opts for a simple cardboard box. Detroit Dog Rescue founder Kristina Millman-Rinaldi shared on social media that Captain feels safest and most secure when he sleeps in a box, despite the presence of fluffy beds. It’s unclear why Captain prefers the box, as his past is shrouded in mystery. Rescued from the streets of Detroit, Captain was found hungry, sick, and with a red collar. Since November, he has been under the care of the Detroit Dog Rescue shelter, where he has been receiving medical treatment and positive reinforcement training. Despite his tough past, Captain is a lovable dog who adores peanut butter and enjoys performing tricks, according to Millman-Rinaldi. Whether Captain sleeps in boxes because it’s all he knows or because he thinks he’s a cat, one thing is for sure – he is an incredibly sweet and resilient pup.

Millman-Rinaldi knows that Captain has faced many challenges in his life, but she is determined to give him the love and security he deserves. She dreams of a home and a family for Captain, even if it means surrounding him with cardboard boxes, his favorite place to sleep at night. Despite the painful memories of his past, Millman-Rinaldi is committed to creating a bright future for Captain and other dogs at Detroit Dog Rescue. She promises to keep them safe, cared for, and maybe even surrounded by endless cardboard boxes. Captain, we cherish you and your cozy crates!

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